05. 03. 2019 | Back to news overview

Presentation about OncotypeDX Breast Recurrence Score at the 10th PragueOnco - Jubilee Interdisciplinary Oncology Colloquium

At this year's Prague Onco congress there was oral presentation by prof. Magdolny Dank on the use of the OncotypeDX test as well as on the results of the breakthrough study TAILORx, which showed that the Oncotype DX Breast Recurrence Score® definitively identifies the majority of women with early-stage breast cancer who receive no benefit from chemotherapy, and the minority of women for whom chemotherapy benefit can be life-saving.

The 10th PragueONCO oncology colloquium, which took place on 23–25. 1. 2019, was a successful continuation of previous years. Traditionally, it was held under the auspices of the Oncology Clinic of the General University Hospital in Prague and the First Faculty of Medicine with the support of the Deans of all three medical faculties in Prague, of ČLS JEP  and its specialized medical companies headed by the Czech Cancer Society and the Czech Nurses Association. The patronage was also provided by the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic and the City of Prague. PragueONCO 2019, the only oncological event in the Czech Republic that has again been accredited by the European Oncological Society - ESMO.

In the colloquium program, important experts from research centers and clinics, not only in the Czech and Slovak Republics, but also in Austria, Italy, the USA, Belgium, Hungary, France, Poland, Israel and Germany spoke during three meeting days. Their lectures and seminars always provide extraordinary benefits, and this year was no different. Participants of the event, including doctors, nurses and other health professionals, had the opportunity to consult the diagnosis and therapy of individual pateints.

On genomic testing and its contribution to breast cancer patients spoke Prof. Magdolna Dank, who works at the Cancer Center at Semmelweis University in Budapest, where she specializes on breast cancer. In particular, she focused on overtreatment or, on the contrary, undertreatment if it comes to adjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer, which can still occur, as well as on methods that can refine the benefit of the intended chemotherapy treatment. She also summarized the new findings from clinical trials that can help oncologists to cure this malignant disease and really use the treatment modalities offered.

The lecturer focused on the OncotypeDX test, which is the only test currently reimbursed in the Czech Republic and Hungary. She also presented TAILORx study data. This study, which examined the benefits of this assay, provided some of the largest independent data for chemotherapy response prediction.